"Kimchi brassica est in sale et pipere puluere rubeo"
Kimchi est valde conditum et salsum.
Kimchi latus acetabulum est quod Coreani cotidie comedunt.
Kimchi includit mouu kimchi, brassica kimchi,
aqua kimchi, dongchimi, nabak kimchi, cucumis kimchi,
eggplant kimchi, and white kimchi.
Kimchi est cibus fermentatus traditionalis Coreae.
Id fiat permixtione brassicae salsae vel radiculae
condimentum ut piper rubrum, cepa viridis;
et allium ac deinde eas deferbentem. Consideratum est
unus ex nationalibus alimentis in Corea. Est corrosio that
non omittitur in prandia Coreanica stilo, et sunt
plura genera secundum ingredientia et coquendam
modum. Usurpatur etiam ut ingrediens in variis
Coreanica acetabula. Kimchi etiam officialis cibus designatur
ad Olympia, Asiatica, et FIFA World Cup.
Faciens multum kimchi omnes simul manducare per totum
hiems dicitur kimjang, quod sub terra servabatur
in magno vase fictili fermentum vocavit
fictilibus ut refrigeret mensibus aestivis calidis
hieme sine frigore. Conditum etiam est foris in a
vas quod dicitur lebes. Recentioribus temporibus, familia
kimchi refrigerators magis usi sunt.
Prima forma "Kimchi" in 16th- inveniri potest.
libri saec. Dimche videtur in Byeok Onbang
editum anno 1518 et Hunmongjaes editum anno 1527;
et Timche apparet in forma notationis Coreanica for
charactere Sinensis "沈菜 (pronuntiatio moderna Coreanica:
Chimchae) "in Corea condita anno 1587. die 17 et
Saeculis XVIII, "c" de "dimche" colloquialiter pronuntiatum est
ut "ᆡ". Vocalis "ㆎ" secundae syllabae prolata est
ut "ㅢ" inde a saeculo XVI, cum "·" de non administratis
syllaba mutatur in "-". "Kimchi," quod saeculo XIX apparet
et pergit in lingua recentiore, est forma in qua prima
deinde secunda syllaba vocali ex consonante mutatur
ut "ㅣ."
Praecedunt quod in Lee Gyu-bo "Liber Dongguk Yi Sang-
guk, anno 1241 editis, kimchi memoratur ut "jek" et XV.
forma verbi saeculum creditur "Dehi". "Pullus et
dihi" in prima editione "Dushieon maris" editum apparet
1481, and "Jang atdihi" appears in the "Translation Box Office"
editum anno 1517. "Ji" in recentioribus verbis "Salji" et "Oiji";
successores sunt huic "dihi."
Dicitur quod vegetabili fermentato fruebantur
alimenta per Trium Regnorum periodum. In Silla Buddhismus erat
introductus, et vegetarianismus popularis et fermentatus fuit
legumina etiam fruebantur.
In Lee Gyu-bo scriptor "Dongguk Yi Sang-
guk Collection, anno 1241 edita in Goryeo Dynastia,
kimchi cum radicula ponitur "juk" in carmine "Gapo
Edita in 1670 per Joseonem Dynastia, "Cibi Dimibang".
records Kimchi ab CONDITANEUS et tingens Donga in parva
hydria sine sale, aqua calida infundens eam in sphaeris calidis collocans
maturescere. Nuper 17th century litterae "Yorok", 11 species of "
kimchi memorantur, etiam kimchi ut raphanus, brassica;
donga, bracken, et faba viridis, et dongchimi facta ex congener
in aqua salsa.
Ante introductionem piperis, nova seges Mundi, solum kimchi
facta per tingens in Chuncho (choppy) Sancio et Jocho or .
aromatibus miscere praeter piperis perhibetur.
Anno 1766, in "Jeungbo Forest Oeconomia" commemoravit Kimchi was
red cum mandrami et multis kimchi per rubrum piperis vel
item pulveris piperis rubei apparuit. Modus miscendi herbas
ut olera viridia, cucurbitas, et eggplant cum aromatibus
ut piper rubeum, cheoncho, sinapi, cum raphano frondente et facit
kimchi similis hodie Choggak kimchi addit multum allium
sucus "Chimnabokjeop" modus et modus faciendi
kimchi similis hodie cucumis kimchi addit rubrum piperis
pulveris et allii ad tria latera cucumeres inducitur
ut "Hwanggwadamjeop methodus", et aliae methodi includendi
Dongchimi, Brassica Kimchi, Dongga Kimchi, Abalone Kimchi,
et Ostrearum Kimchi.
In "Acta exsecutiva Oeconomica" in primo edita
Saeculum 19, Seo Yoo-
gu descriptus est, si multum piperis in Kimchi adhibentur, radicula
diutius conservabitur. In eod, alga talia
ut cucumeres et brassicae, ceterae herbae ut virides
cepae cum foliis salsis, aromatibus ut piper ruber, gingiber;
cheoncho et allium sinapis, seafood ut corvina lutea;
salsamenta, abalone, concha, polypus, et conchis abalone;
quae sunt agentium acidorum eleemosynarum, nomine introducantur
"Kimchi brassica est in sale et pipere puluere rubeo"
In praeterito, medicamentum kimchi erat quod brassicae radiculae praecedit;
sed ex 20th century, cum full-
valida brassica gignitur et late distribuitur, brassica kimchi
obruta radicula kimchi.
Kimchi divulgatum est ad mundum
"kimchi is a Cabbage in salt and red pepper powder "
Kimchi is very spicy and salty.
Kimchi is a side dish that Koreans eat every day.
Kimchi includes mouu kimchi, cabbage kimchi,
water kimchi, dongchimi, nabak kimchi, cucumber kimchi,
eggplant kimchi, and white kimchi.
Kimchi is a traditional fermented food of Korea.
It is made by mixing salted cabbage or radish with
seasoning such as red pepper powder, green onion,
and garlic and then fermenting them. It is considered
one of the national foods in Korea. It is corrosion that
is not left out in Korean-style meals, and there are
many kinds depending on the ingredients and cooking
method. It is also used as an ingredient in various
Korean dishes. Kimchi is also an official food designated
for the Olympics, Asian Games, and FIFA World Cup.
Making a lot of kimchi all at once to eat throughout
the winter is called kimjang, which was kept underground
in a large earthenware fermentation container called
earthenware to keep it cool in the hot summer months
without freezing in winter. It is also stored outdoors in a
container called a cauldron. In modern times, household
kimchi refrigerators are more used.
The first form of "Kimchi" can be found in 16th-
century books. Dimche ᆡ appears in Byeok Onbang
published in 1518 and Hunmongjaes published in 1527,
and Timche ᆡ appears in the form of Korean notation for
the Chinese character "沈菜 (modern Korean pronunciation:
Chimchae)" created in Korea in 1587. In the 17th and
18th centuries, the "c" of "dimche" was colloquially pronounced
as "ᆡ." The vowel "ㆎ" of the second syllable was pronounced
as "ㅢ" from the 16th century, when "·" of the non-administered
syllable changed to "-". "Kimchi," which appears in the 19th century
and continues into the modern language, is a form in which the first
syllable "ㅈ" of "ᆡ" is changed to "ㄱ" by inverted palindication,
and then the second syllable vowel is changed from a consonant
to "ㅣ."
Prior to that, in Lee Gyu-bo's "The Book of Dongguk Yi Sang-
guk," published in 1241, kimchi is recorded as "jek" and the 15th-
century word form is believed to be "Dehi." "Chicken ᅀ and ᆳ
dihi" appears in the first edition of the "Dushieon Sea" published in
1481, and "Jang atdihi" appears in the "Translation Box Office"
published in 1517. "Ji" in the modern words "Salji" and "Oiji"
are the successor to this "dihi."
It is said that they enjoyed eating vegetable fermented
foods during the Three Kingdoms period. In Silla, Buddhism was
introduced, and vegetarianism was popular, and fermented
vegetables were also enjoyed.
In Lee Gyu-bo's "Dongguk Yi Sang-
guk Collection", published in 1241 during the Goryeo Dynasty,
kimchi made with radish is recorded as "juk" in the poem "Gapo
Published in 1670 during the Joseon Dynasty, "Food Dimibang"
records kimchi made by pickled and dipping donga into a small
jar without salt, pouring warm water, and placing it in hot spheres
to ripen. In the late 17th century literature "Yorok", 11 kinds of
kimchi are recorded, including kimchi such as radish, cabbage,
donga, bracken, and green beans, and dongchimi made of radish
in salt water.
Before the introduction of pepper, a New World crop, only kimchi
made by dipping it in Chuncho (choppy), Sancho, and Jocho or
mixing it with spices other than peppers is recorded.
In 1766, the "Jeungbo Forest Economy" recorded that kimchi was
red with mandrami, and a number of kimchi using red pepper or
red pepper powder also appeared. The method of mixing vegetables
such as green vegetables, pumpkins, and eggplant with spices such
as red pepper, cheoncho, and mustard in leafy radish and making
kimchi similar to today's Chonggak kimchi by adding a lot of garlic
juice is the "Chimnabokjeop" method, and the method of making
kimchi similar to today's cucumber kimchi by adding red pepper
powder and garlic to the three sides of cucumbers is introduced
as the "Hwanggwadamjeop method", and other methods include
Dongchimi, Cabbage Kimchi, Dongga Kimchi, Abalone Kimchi,
and Oyster Kimchi.
In the "Executive Economic Journal" published in the early
19th century, Seo Yoo-
gu described that if a lot of peppers are used in kimchi, radish
will be stored for a longer time. In the same book, seaweed such
as cucumbers and cabbage, other vegetables such as green
onions with salted leaves, spices such as red pepper, ginger,
cheoncho and garlic mustard, seafood such as yellow corvina,
salted fish, abalone, conch, and octopus, and abalone shells,
which are acid-relieving agents, will be introduced under the name
"kimchi is a Cabbage in salt and red pepper powder "
In the past, it was a kimchi ingredient that preceded radish cabbage,
but from the 20th century, when full-
bodied cabbage was bred and widely distributed, cabbage kimchi
overwhelmed radish kimchi.
Kimchi became widely known to the world after the 1988 Seoul
Olympics, and it was registered in the International Food Codex
on July 5, 2001. In 2008, kimchi, which preserved lactic acid bacteria,
was certified as a space food available on the International Space Station.
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